01928 563148


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Our blogs

Ideas For Indoors, by Mrs Green

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 2:20pm

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School closure and online learning, by Mr McDonald

Date: 19th Mar 2020 @ 12:56am

School Closure

Schools, colleges and early years settings to close

Schools will close from Monday 23rd March except for children of key workers and vulnerable children.

 We are in unprecedented times in living memory and this can cause worry. However we are still working hard for your children.

We are endeavouring to ensure that we minimise the inevitable disruption in leaning. Please continue to check the website and the facebook pages. The Holy Spirit  and The Holy Spirit PTA for updates.


More information cna be found here

Stay safe everyone. God Bless.

Every child a learner and thinking classrooms, by Mr McDonald

Date: 13th Aug 2019 @ 1:17pm

"Every child a learner" and "every child a thinker" are important whole school approaches to developing life long learners. Each half term the children are taught some strategies that will be embedded throughout the term.

You can find more here on oue Curriculum page.

Keeping children safe while school is closed., by Mr McDonald

Date: 8th Aug 2019 @ 5:55pm

Keeping children safe is a key part of the role of any teacher. Children and parents now have access to a reporting tool that can be done anonymously. Whilst it is always easier to sort something out when someone tell us. It is crucial for us as a school to make sure that there is always a way for parents and children to report concerns. 

Our pupils can anonymously report issues to you via SMS by texting THE27 + their message to078600 21584


Date: 8th Aug 2019 @ 5:51pm

About Whisper

SWGfL Whisper is a reporting service offered by South West Grid for Learning as part of its BOOST suite of online safety services for schools. The service, hosted by the Grid, consists of a website button / link that launches an online dialogue-box to capture information or details for anyone who needs to report issues to the school. That information is then sent to an email address nominated by the school. It also comprises an alternative SMS service that uses a school specific number to send information. Both services can be regarded as anonymous if the user chooses to withhold their personal information.

SWGfL (www.swgfl.org.uk) is an educational trust of the 15 South West Local Authorities. The SWGfL Trust is committed to providing all 2,500 educational establishments throughout the South West with safe, secure and reliable broadband internet connections and broadband-enabled teaching & learning resources and services.

SWGfL has developed an international reputation within online safety. It is a founding member of UKCCIS (UK Council for Child Internet Safety) and has spoken at conferences across Europe, America and Africa. SWGfL, along with partners Childnet and IWF, launched the UK Safer Internet Centrein January 2011 as part of the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme.


Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Please contact the office

01928 563148

[email protected]