01928 563148


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Catholic Life

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary is an inclusive school, one of our core drivers of our curriculum is spirituality. Our fauth is an intergral part of everything we do as a school . Together we nurture young minds and aim to instillin our children Gospek values such as love, forgiveness, honesty, responsibility and respectfor themselves and others . These Gospel values are the foundations of our School Mission Statement.

"Together in the spirit of love and forgiveness, our family learns to grow with hope and joy."

We hope that these values will live with our children as they journey through life, beyond The Holy Spirit, and provide a moral compass for all our children, so that they grow to see themselves and others as unique parts of God's family - all different yet all equal and loved by God, and each made in His image.


At The Holy Spirit we believe this is fundamental to the developmentof the academic, physicaland spiritual development of all our children. 



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Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Main Contact | Ms Caroline Dineley

01928 563148

[email protected]