01928 563148


[email protected]

Topaz 2024 - 2025

Miss Winder

'But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.'

(Isaiah 40:31)

'Together, in the spirit of love and forgiveness, our family learns to grow with hope and joy'


Welcome to Topaz Class (year 6) page.

Useful Days 

Communication: We will continue to use Class Dojo to keep in contact with parents/carers and update you on our learning journey. Class Dojo will also be used as a reward system.

PE: Topaz have PE on a Thursday. Children should ensure they bring in their full school PE kit. 

Homework: Homework will be given out on Monday and is due back on Friday. Homework will support all class learning and so it is important that homework is completed every week. Homework will be discussed in class and any questions about the homework will be answered on Monday afternoons before it being sent home. If you find that your child is struggling with their homework, I am more than happy to support you on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday before homework is due back in. 

Spellings: Spelling will always be included within children’s homework, therefore spellings will be set on a Monday and spelling tests will be on a Friday. 

Times tables: Practicing your times tables every night via Times Tables Rock Stars is also encouraged to help with number fluency which will, in turn, help your child make connections with other Maths problems that they encounter.

Reading: Reading is encouraged every evening. Reading books from school are provided but, please also take advantage of both Oxford Reading Buddy and Bug Club online at home as well as enjoying your own books and reading for pleasure - your log in details for these have been stuck in at the back of your reading records. Please log all the reading that you do (outside of Bug Club or Oxford Reading Buddy) in your reading records and hand it in every day. All books that are sent home must be returned to school when you are finished with them. 


Useful Links

www.classdojo.com - while Class Dojo is now being used as a reward system in class, photos of our learning will continue to be uploaded onto our class timeline and important information and changes will be posted here.

www.mymaths.co.uk - this may be useful if you would like to practice your maths skills at home or could be used to support homework. If there is an area of maths your child struggles with, I am able to set lessons and activities to help you at home should you wish. 

www.ttrockstars.com - Use your personal log in to continue practicing your times tables. Challenge your class mates or play against the clock to beat your own scores.

www.oxfordreadingbuddy.com Use your personal log in details to log into our online books bands. Explore a wide range of books tailored to our reading level and answer questions and quizzes.

www.activelearnprimary.co.uk – Use your personal login to access reading and Science.

www.bbcbitesize.co.uk – The BBC Bitesize website is a great resource for all areas of the National Curriculum.

WELCOME TO THE PARISH OF SAINT MAXIMILIAN KOLBE - Serving the Catholic Communities of St. Edward and Holy Spirit

How to pronounce new words - This BBC website video explains what decoding is.

Oxford Owl Phonics Made Easy  - This article (aimed at parents) explains how children learn to read using phonics and it also contains a useful phonics guide to show you how to make each of the sounds.

Year 6 Reading List - Are you looking for a new book to read? Why not try one of these?

NRICH Maths - Check out nrich website for some great maths challenges to really get you thinking. 

SCRATCH - Download Scratch from here to try your hand at Coding. 



The book we will be using in our writing sessions is:

star of hope.PNG

We we will use this to write a story with a flashback from another character's point of view.

The Mastery Keys are:

  •   Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely (recap from Y5)
  •  Use passive verbs
  •  Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices
  •  Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action
  • For suggested information text at the end of the unit:
  •  Use a colon to introduce a list
  • Punctuate bullet points consistently 

The book we will be using in our reading sessions is:

When we were warriors.PNG

We we will use this to develop our comprehension and inference skills:

  • Draw inferences (inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions); justify with evidence
  • Evaluate authors’ language choice, including figurative language 
  • Make comparisons within and across books

The book we will be reading as our class novel is:

Eagle in the snow.PNG

Files to Download

Contact Us

The Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School

Cotterill, Halton BrookRuncorn WA7 2NL

Please contact the office

01928 563148

[email protected]